Heritage Week Special: Traditional leaders burying a generational hatchet and starting a new chapter

(left: Nkosi Ndebele (Chief Ndebele) center: Umntwana Omkhulu (The head royal Prince of Egazini in Zululand) ) The understanding of South African history has easily lost its relevance to the new generation. With the country still being in its democratic infancy, cultural identity is easily forgotten or misunderstood. Personally, my understanding of the different tribal bodies that makeup South Africa is only the size of the Shaka Zulu modules that were squeezed into my high school syllabus. The apartheid regime lessons then stripped away the little tribal and cultural knowledge of my own country. The different clans and tribes were all easily bundled up as just “blacks”. In the past year, I had the joy of exploring the beauty and the grim nature of the Zulu Nation. In many ways, I have become less Black and more African. The apartheid regime had created a lot of disruption within the tribal structures which traditionally were the pillars of the once-...